
Legal information

Company details in accordance with Article 5 of the Telemediengesetz (TMG – German Telemedia Act) and Articles 2 and 3 of the Dienstleistungs-Informationspflichten-Verordnung (DL-InfoV – German Regulation Concerning Service Providers’ Duty to Provide Information).  

Koehler Neumann & Partner
Auditors and tax consultants

Schloss-Strasse 20
51429 Bergisch Gladbach, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 2204 9508-100
Fax: +49 (0) 2204 9508-110

Cologne branch
Im MediaPark 5a
50670 Cologne, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 221 952681-170
Fax: +49 (0) 221 952681-113

E-mail: Please use our enquiry form
Website: www.konlus.de

KONLUS Koehler Neumann & Partner is a partnership in accordance with Article 1 of the Partnerschaftsgesellschaftsgesetz (German Partnership Act). The company is registered as No. 2272 in Essen District Court’s register of partnerships, has its registered office in Bergisch Gladbach, and maintains a branch office in Berlin.

The following persons are authorised to represent the company under Article 5 Para. 1 of the TMG: Carl Erik Koehler (auditor, tax consultant), Horst Neumann (certified public accountant, tax consultant), Birgit Koehler (tax consultant), Alexander Neu (auditor, tax consultant)

VAT identification number:

Applicable law and place of jurisdiction:
German law applies exclusively. Place of jurisdiction for all legal disputes is Bergisch Gladbach, Federal Republic of Germany.

Please ask us about the fees for our work. With regard to tax consultancy services, please also refer to the website of the Bundessteuerberaterkammer (German Federal Chamber of Tax Consultants)(www.bstbk.de) where there is information in German under the heading “Ihr Steuerberater/Vergütung” (Your tax consultant/payment). There you will find further information on the calculation of fees for tax consultancy.

Collaboration and conflicts of interest:
The partners in the firm make joint decisions on accepting engagements and reach agreement on any conflicts of interest.

Multi-disciplinary work and professional communities:
The partners listed have formed a partnership for the purposes of practising their profession on a permanent basis.

The partnership also cooperates on a regular basis with the auditors, KONLUS GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Im MediaPark 5a, 50670 Cologne, Germany. 

Out-of-court dispute resolution:
It is possible for the professional bodies to mediate between clients and ourselves.

Professional liability insurance:
We have professional liability insurance with the insurer, HDI-Gerling Firmen und Privat Vers. AG, PO box 10 24 64, 50464 Cologne, Germany.

Professional liability insurance for work as auditors or certified public accountants:
Geographical cover (AVB WSR 558)
2. Other European countries, Turkey and the states of the former Soviet Union including Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
    The insurance covers liability claims
   (1) asserted in courts in these countries, and
   (2) arising from infringement of or non-compliance with the laws of these countries.
3. For the countries not listed above, the claims covered are those
   (1) arising from business auditing work provided that the contract is based solely on German law;
   (2) arising from business-related assistance in tax matters concerning the tax laws of states not listed above, provided that the contract is based solely on German law.
   In both cases the insurance cover is limited to the minimum insurance amount prescribed by law.
4. Worldwide for liability claims
arising from work carried out through subsidiaries, branches or other consultancy offices abroad, but not more than the minimum insurance amount prescribed by law.

Professional liability insurance for work as tax consultants:
Geographical cover (AVB WSR 558)
2. Other European countries, Turkey and the states of the former Soviet Union including Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia:
   The insurance covers liability claims
   (1) asserted in courts in these countries, and
   (2) arising from infringement of or non-compliance with the laws of these countries.
3. Worldwide – the minimum insurance amount prescribed by law for liability claims arising from infringement of or non-compliance with the laws of a foreign country, if they have arisen from business-related assistance in tax matters concerning the tax laws of those states, and the contract is based on German law.
4. The insurance cover does not extend to liability claims arising from work carried out through subsidiaries, branches or other consultancy offices abroad.

Further information on any of the services we offer can be sent to you on request. Please contact us by e-mail or telephone about such matters.

Further details in accordance with Article 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG): KONLUS is a partnership. The partners and staff of KONLUS have acquired the statutory professional designations of "auditor", "tax consultant" and/or "lawyer". These professional designations were awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany.
The relevant supervisory bodies are

For auditors
Wirtschaftsprüferkammer (German Chamber of Auditors), Rauchstrasse 26, 10787 Berlin, Germany.

For lawyers
Rechtsanwaltskammer Köln (Cologne Chamber of Lawyers), Riehler Strasse 30, 50668 Cologne, Germany

For tax consultants
Steuerberaterkammer Köln (Cologne Chamber of Tax Consultants), Volksgartenstrasse 48, 50677 Cologne, Germany

The following professional regulations apply particularly to auditors:
Gesetz über eine Berufsordnung der Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Law on Professional Code of Practice for Auditors) (Wirtschaftsprüferordnung – German Auditors’ Regulations)
Berufssatzung für Wirtschaftsprüfer/vereidigte Buchprüfer (BS WP/vBP – German Professional Code for Auditors/Certified Public Accountants)
Satzung für Qualitätskontrolle (German Quality Control Regulations)
Prüfungsordnung (PrüfO – German Examination Regulations)
Verordnung über die Gestaltung des Siegels der Wirtschaftsprüfer (Siegel-VO – German Regulation on the Design of Auditors’ Seals)
Verordnung über die Berufshaftpflichtversicherung der Wirtschaftsprüfer, etc. (BHV - German Regulation on Auditors’ Professional Liability Insurance)
German Chamber of Auditors’ guidelines for practising the professions of auditor and certified public accountant

The following professional regulations apply particularly to lawyers:
Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO – German Federal Lawyers’ Regulations)
Berufsordnung der Rechtsanwälte (BORA – German Professional Code of Practice for Lawyers)
Fachanwaltsordnung (FAO – German Regulations for Specialist Lawyers)
Professional rules for lawyers of the European Union
Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz (RVG – German Lawyers’ Compensation Act)

The following professional regulations apply particularly to tax consultants:
Steuerberatungsgesetz (StBerG – German Tax Consultancy Act)
Durchführungsverordnung zum Steuerberatungsgesetz (DVStB – Regulation Implementing the German Tax Consultancy Act)
Berufsordnung der Steuerberater (BOStB – Professional Code of Practice for Tax Consultants)
Steuerberatergebührenverordnung (StBGebV – German Regulation on Tax Consultants’ Fees)

The professional regulations can be viewed at the relevant chambers:
Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer (Federal Chamber of Lawyers), Littenstrasse 9, 10179 Berlin, Germany,
Rechtsanwaltskammer Köln (Cologne Chamber of Lawyers), Riehler Strasse 30, 50668 Cologne, Germany
Bundessteuerberaterkammer (Federal Chamber of Tax Consultants), Neue Promenade 4, 10178 Berlin, Germany,
Steuerberaterkammer Köln (Cologne Chamber of Tax Consultants), Volksgartenstrasse 48, 50677 Cologne, Germany,
Wirtschaftsprüferkammer (German Chamber of Auditors), Rauchstrasse 26, 10787 Berlin, Germany,


Image source:
Some of the photographs used on this website come from PhotoCase.com and iStockphoto.com.

Photographs of the partners:
Lothar Wels Fotograf
Jägerhofstrasse 19/20
40478 Düsseldorf, Germany
mail@wels-images .com


Graphical development and TYPO3 implementation:
gm medien | full service internetagentur
Gocht & Marquardt GbR
Friedrichstrasse 73
52070 Aachen, Germany


Schloss-Straße 20
51429 Bergisch Gladbach
Tel.: +49 (0) 22 04 / 9 50 81 00
Fax: +49 (0) 22 04 / 9 50 81 10

Service Hotline

+49 2204 9 50 81 00


Im Mediapark 5a
50670 Köln
Tel.: +49 (0) 221 / 95 26 81 - 170
Fax: +49 (0) 221 / 95 26 81 - 113

Legal information